It is absolutely human to feel discouraged. No one is immune to this. However, it is imperative to know how to overcome it. Discouragement is lack of confidence or enthusiasm. It comes in different forms and at different times and peculiar to each individual. Discouragement chokes joy and can cause despair. The fact is that discouragement progresses like a disease and when it’s not put in check, it can lead to a state of hopelessness and depression. Here are some helpful ways to shake off discouragement.
Identify the Trigger
The first step is to identify the trigger. The two most common elements in discouragement are trigger and tiredness. No one wakes up and just gets discouraged; something escalates such feeling. This can be being tired of trying or looking for a way out or tired of the present situation. Nevertheless, just like you troubleshoot a computer system to search for the source of a problem in order to fix it; it can be helpful to troubleshoot the thoughts or events (triggers) that resulted in the loss of enthusiasm. The trigger can be unanswered prayers, health condition, waiting, betrayal of trust, feeling unaccomplished, envy, and the list is endless. The Psalmist was trying to identify the trigger when he asked himself in Ps.42:11a “Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad?”
Lay it all down to overcome discouragement
Secondly, lay down all the triggers and tiredness before the Lord. I have found this approach very helpful for me . “My heart has heard you say come and talk with me, and my heart responds, Lord, I am coming”- Ps. 27:10NLT. God is waiting for you with arms wide open, so lay all your concerns down by talking to God about it in prayers. Every spirit of heaviness will be lifted and the joy of the Lord will be your strength- Amen.

After you have laid it all down, at God’s feet, please leave it there and hope in Him to show up knowing that you will have reasons to praise Him again. The Psalmist answered himself –“I will put my hope in God! I will praise Him again – my Savior and my God “– Ps. 42:11b
Remember and encourage yourself
Lastly, encourage yourself with God’s faithfulness in the past.
“Then as I looked over the situation, I called together the nobles and the rest of the people and said to them, Don’t be afraid of the enemy! Remember the Lord, who is great and glorious, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives and your homes!” – Nehemiah 4:14NLT
In the text above, Nehemiah experienced such great opposition while he was rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. The opposition became so intense that some workers started to complain and it became a fearful situation. Instead of being overwhelmed, Nehemiah encouraged the people to not give in to fear but to remember the Lord who is great and glorious – the Lord who parted the Red Sea, provided manna, and destroyed the walls of Jericho for them to inherit the land; he reminded them that God is still able to help them through the situation. They only needed to assume their position. When we remember how God came through for us before, it will help us to stay confident and encouraged that He is able to show up again.
“But God, who encourages those who are discouraged, encouraged us by the arrival of Titus”- 2Corinthians 7:6.
Finally, no matter what you are experiencing today, God will encourage you with a divine arrival – Amen.