Fight On: Don’t Give Up!

When I fight, I fight on my knees with my hands lifted high; Oh Lord, the battle belongs to you – Phil Wickham.

Recently, I’ve been encountering a lot of people, and most times, I often can’t recall their faces. Yet, a common thread among most of them is their vulnerable state. But one encounter stands out vividly. I met a woman engaged in a spiritual battle for her husband’s life. When I first saw her, it was hard to pinpoint her religious affiliation. She had a rosary, laminated passages in Arabic (presumably prayers), and pictures of religious leaders surrounding her husband as she softly uttered words over him. Instantly, these words resonated within me: “This is someone fighting.”

To be honest, at that point in my life, I was dealing with a situation, and I felt like giving up. Seeing her resolve sparked something within me. I knew God was urging me not to give up, but to keep on fighting.


  • I don’t know what you feel like giving up on—maybe it’s your career, a wayward child, a strained relationship, or perhaps you’re fighting for someone who doesn’t seem to want to fight. But whatever it is, don’t give up. Fight with everything you’ve got. Equip yourself with God’s armor to fight. Eph. 6:11
  • In Mark 5:25-34, the story of the woman who suffered from constant bleeding for twelve years resonates with someone who tirelessly sought a solution for years. Her relentless pursuit of healing brought her to the Healer, as she pressed through the crowd and received her miracle. Her faith coupled with actions produced results.
  • If you don’t fight, you may never get to experience the victory that lies ahead.
  • Instead of giving up, resend that email. Make that call once more. Discuss that relationship again. Put in the effort anew. But before you do so, anchor yourself in prayers. Blend your faith with actions.

Today, I urge you: FIGHT, DON’T GIVE UP!


The Elevator Ride

There we were, a group of strangers sharing an elevator ride, anticipating its arrival at the next floor. Each person wore a distinct expression, being lost in their own thoughts. Some faces conveyed a sense of gloom, as if there were no thrilling prospects ahead, while others eagerly anticipated their departure. The tension in the elevator was noticeable. However, people entered and exited at various levels, each with their own anticipated destination; a destination about which they might be clueless regarding what lies ahead. Regardless, everyone seemed driven by a sense of purpose, engrossed in their own thoughts and preferring not to be disturbed.

The brief elevator ride reminds me of the journey of life. As one person exits, other steps in: it’s a cycle. Everyone embarks and disembarks at a different junction and at a different time. The journey may be shorter for some, yet longer for others. Everyone carries a purpose, often uncertain about what the future holds. However, unlike the elevator ride, in life, no one knows exactly when they will exit or when the journey will conclude.

The elevator ride is like the journey of life.


  • Discover your purpose and strive to fulfill it. For we are God’s masterpiece. He created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago – Eph 2:10.
  • Utilize your time on earth wisely. Take advantage of every opportunity.
  • Remember that our time on earth is temporary. We are here for only a moment, visitors and strangers in the land as our ancestors were before us. Our days on earth are like a passing shadow, gone so soon without a trace – 1 Chronicles 29:15.
  • Prepare for life after death by accepting Jesus as your Savior and living a righteous life through His grace and power. Jesus has made a provision of eternal life for you, don’t ignore it. Embrace Him as your Lord, and you won’t regret it.
  • This new year, make a conscious effort to improve your relationship with God and prepare yourself for His return. Remember, heaven and hell are real.


The Prince of Peace is Here

Rejoice, for the Prince of Peace is Here! For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”* – Isaiah 9:6

The proclamation of the birth of Jesus is not merely an announcement; it is a declaration of peace on earth. This peace extends to all men and women, encompassing each one of us.
In the midst of the miracles, the radiant glow of light, the joy, and the spirit of giving that characterize this season, let us not forget that peace is an integral part of it.

Peace in Our Hearts

If, during this Christmas period, you find yourself burdened with concerns about gifts to be bought and wrapped, holiday dinners to organize, financial difficulties, unaccomplished goals from this year, or anxiety about the unknown in the year ahead, take heart. Do not allow the hustle and bustle, nor the expectations of the season, to steal your peace. We are celebrating the Prince of Peace, and His presence brings peace to our hearts. Find moments to fellowship with this Prince of Peace. Allow His peace to fill your heart, for truly, the Prince of Peace is Here.

Peace on Earth

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”- Luke 2:14
Although the current events around the world may not convey a sense of peace, but despite these tumultuous circumstances, God’s promise of peace remains steadfast: “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”- John 14:27
As we celebrate Christmas, let us remember that the Prince of Peace is the reason for the season. Therefore, embrace and enjoy His indescribable peace.

#The Prince of Peace is Here!#


The dawn of a new year is around the corner, and this is the perfect time to start making room in our hearts for the new and great things that God has prepared for us in the coming year. You will have such a surplus of crops that you will need to clear out the old grain to make room for the new harvest! – Lev. 26:10.
With the new year comes numerous set goals, expectations, pressures, deadlines, and the list is endless. However, we can approach it with a unique mindset that makes room for new things using these three Ps- posture of praise, ponder, and prepare.

Posture of praise

As we wind up this current year, I encourage you to develop and maintain a posture of praise and worship. Let thankfulness overflow in your heart – sing of the goodness of God. The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease.Great is his faithfulness and His mercies begin afresh each morning. – Lamentations 3:22-23. The fresh daily mercies of the Lord kept you this far, so keep a grateful heart. Perhaps, you are not where you had envisaged, but instead of counting your defeats, count your victories, no matter how small they seem to you.
An attitude of gratitude brings great things – Yogi Bhajan

Make room for the new with an attitude of praise!

Ponder on the past and the new

Furthermore, ponder on the past as a form of evaluation. This can be done by assessing your current roles and relationships and identifying areas of improvement. Evaluate your spiritual, marital, parental, familial, and work relationships; ponder on what succeeded and what did not. Reflect on the future that you want to see and work towards it by setting specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound goals. Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed. – Prov. 16:4

Prepare for the new

Lastly, prepare for the new by waiting on God for a personal watchword for the incoming year. I am not referring to the word that will be declared by the different churches and ministries for the year. I mean your own word from the Lord that would guide you through the year. One of the words the Lord gave me this year was that – “there will be no losses”. I hung up to it with every breath in me. I applied it to every area you can think of. Whenever I faced challenges, I keyed into my “no losses” promise. The road of salvation is a personal one, so please have your own watchword(s). Then the LORD answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. – Habakkuk 2:2.

In conclusion, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. Weights such as anger, jealousy, envy, bitterness, unbelief, gossips etc. should be dealt with because no one puts new wine into old wineskins.

A big thank you to all of you for your support, comments, shares, and love. I simply cannot thank you enough. I pray that my God will continue to prosper you all.

See you in 2023 by God’s grace!



The Only Promise Keeper

Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promise. Hebrews 10:23 NLT.

Without an iota of doubt, each one of us has experienced disappointments from people who failed to keep their promises to us. On the other hand, we might have done the same to others. Although, it is often said that the ability to keep promises is a measure of one’s worth; sometimes it can be very challenging to keep one’s word. The reasons could be lack of complete understanding of the commitment , contingencies, changed desires, and difficulties at the point of execution. The list is simply endless.

Human’s lack of control over outcomes in life further buttresses the fact that we can renege on our promises to others. However, I want to remind you today of the ONLY ONE who has the ability to make and keep promises.

Every promise will be fulfilled

Every promise will be fulfilled because our God is the Promise keeper

Using the scripture above, replace the word “Israel” with your own name. Let this be a reminder that the same promise keeper who fulfilled every promise to the Israelites is still the same God . He is able to fulfill yours as well. Like Abraham, be fully persuaded that God has the power to do what He has promised.
Are you wondering about the promises I am referring to here?. Well, I am referring to the billions of promises in the scripture – good health, favor, healing, protection, success, and whatever you are believing God for. If it is in the scripture, then it is for you, yes you! Do not allow past disappointments from people to cloud your judgment about the one who is able to keep promises.

Just like Jesus told Jairus when he got the news that his daughter was dead, while he was waiting for Jesus to come to his house and heal the sick daughter: Don’t yield to fear. All you need to do is to keep on believing. Mark 5:22-43 TPT.

Finally, I say to you today and to myself, do not yield to fear and despair. Keep on believing. God, the only promise keeper is able to fulfill every promise.

God is the only Promise Keeper.


Keep On Asking

Keep on asking and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7: 7

The command to “keep on” is highly beneficial for our spiritual growth. Remarkably, there are couples of what we need to keep on doing in the scripture. However, the focus for now will be on persistence in prayers. Being persistent and consistent in prayers guarantee results, and also builds our faith. We persist in an activity because we believe we can find answers by doing so. Some people ask, why do we have to keep on asking? Is it because He didn’t hear us the first time? No, God heard. Sometimes, there is a timeline between our request and delivery/receipt of the request. The timeline is usually for the processes that will birth the delivery of the answers. This is because our God is a God of process. Also, He is a miracle worker and not a magician.

Keep on praying!

Benefits of keeping on in prayers

Persistence in prayers helps to eliminate obstacles that might hinder the manifestation of your answers. The more you pray about a situation, God will begin to give you insights regarding the situation; He can also lay specific prayer points in your heart to guide you in the right direction.

To keep on asking helps to build our faith. In the process of asking and waiting for answers, it is important to continue to find encouragement in God’s promises, otherwise discouragement will set in. The more we stay focused on what God’s word says about us, the less anxious we will get. Recently, I was trusting God for a particular approval. The odds were clearly against me, but I believed that God was able to settle it. Anytime I felt like giving up, I looked for bible devotionals that strengthened my faith. God came through and I got the needed approval.

Keep on Hoping!

In Luke 18:1-5, the widow was able to get justice through the unfair judge due to her persistence. Furthermore, Daniel through persistent prayers was able to eliminate hindrances and received answers. Daniel 10:12-13.
Sometimes, to give up seems like a better choice, but you will never experience what God has in store for you if you keep quitting to do your part.

In conclusion, hold on, don’t give up. Keep on asking and believing. Be persistent and consistent. For everyone who asks, receives; everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. Our God is faithful to perform


That Sunday evening, the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Suddenly, Jesus was standing there among them! “Peace be with you”, He said. Again He said, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you”. John 20:19 &21.

Easter is a wonderful reminder of God’s unfailing love and the ultimate price that Jesus paid on our behalf. It is the celebration of a new covenant; the very foundation of our salvation and hope. Also , it reminds us of our victory over sin and death, and it gives the assurance of eternal life because we will resurrect after death as well.

The Gift of Peace

Today, I want to share another amazing gift that Easter offers: PEACE.
After Jesus was crucified, the disciples were in fear, worried about the next chapter of their lives; they feared what the Jewish leaders would do to them. The disciples didn’t know what to expect. They locked themselves up somewhere due to fear. Then Jesus appeared to them, His first word was- Peace be with you. Jesus realized that their state of mind needs to be deconditioned from fear.

Jesus spoke peace into the disciples’ lives again before He gave them the mandate to preach to others. He spoke peace into their weary souls before He breathed the Holy Spirit on them.
Some days after, Jesus appeared to the disciples and again, His words were – Peace be with you. This time He reappeared to get rid of Thomas’ doubt. 

Do not be afraid

Just like the disciples, have worries drowned God’s promises such that you have resorted to hiding? Are you crippled with  fear that you can’t envision a way out? Have you forgotten that He is able to calm every storm? Maybe you have assumed that He’s no longer with you because you cant see Him or understand what He’s doing presently. Nevertheless, allow the peace of God that comes with this season to overshadow every form of fear and worry. Jesus has promised us a unique form of peace, absolutely different from what the world can offer. I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart, and the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give, so don’t be troubled or afraid – John 14:27

Finally, I pray that this Easter, you will enjoy peace in an inexplicable way because Jesus came and settled all our troubles, worries, fears, and grievances, once and for all.

Happy Easter!



Grace is available

As my family prepared for the day ahead, I realized that each one of us had different concerns regarding the activities of the day ahead – anticipation regarding the busyness of the day, tests, appointments, to-do-lists etc. In the midst of the anticipation, I remembered a different application for grace which I realized earlier that morning– So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most – Heb.4:16.
All we needed was grace for the day: grace in the context of God’s help or favor.

What do you need grace for today? Is it for parenting, to be a better spouse, to perform better at your job, to excel academically, for a better spiritual walk, to get through a difficult time, or to breakthrough financially?
No matter how overwhelming or stressful your situation, I want you to know that help in form of grace is available.

Grace is available

Grace to help when you need it most

In the first part of this verse, there is an invitation to come “boldly”. That is, not with timidity or doubt. We are invited to come knowing that we have a gracious Father who is willing and able to help us.
Also, this verse reminds us of the blessings that are available at the throne: mercy and grace. It is available when you need it most and you are the determining factor of that. It is available as long as you feel you need it- that’s the best part. No one can question why or how often you need.
Furthermore, God is not weary with your request because He gives grace generously – James.4:6, so ask away!

Finally, God’s grace helped each one of us throughout that day. Comments such as, “it was a great day after all”, and “the day went smoother than I expected”, filled the day. That grace is still helping us. Today, I invite you to tap into this available grace.




God is interested in developing our character

Beyond doubt, and more than ever, God is interested in the development of our character this year. This is because He is preparing a blameless and spotless bride, a generation with integrity and virtue, one whose light is not too dim to shine. I don’t want to miss that and I’m sure the same applies to you.

Every parent wants their child to keep growing and developing, and not remain stagnant. Although, through natural processes, physical growth is considered imminent, development on the other hand occurs at different rates and times. Development is a lifelong process but physical growth ends at some point. Similarly, we are to keep developing our character. I’m still a work-in-progress in this area, it’s not that I’ve attained but I am enjoying the development process and I am extending that invitation to you.

How to develop your character

There are many resources and life coaches out there with ways on how to develop character. However, I present to you the tested, true, and result guaranteed resource – the Bible. “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.-2Timothy 3:16”. The Youversion app is a free and great resource to study the bible. It includes great audio and video devotionals on all aspects of life ,podcasts, and many more. I encourage you to explore this app and your spiritual journey will never be the same again.

Character development is your responsibility.
Character development is your responsibility, therefore partner with the Holy Spirit.

Be Intentional

We have to be intentional in the development of our character. “For God is working in you, giving you the desire to do what pleases Him -Phil. 2:13.” The desire is already in us; we only need to activate it by being intentional. Your desire most often will drive your actions. Just like we invest in education and licensing exams to develop our careers, it is the same with the matters of the Spirit. That was why Paul said to the Philippians – continue to work out your salvation with fear and tremblingPhil. 2:12. It is a continuous process. 

Part of my journey to character development

During my devotion one morning, I had a strong conviction to apologize to someone regarding a discussion that happened the day before. I didn’t want to do that because I didn’t say anything wrong. Later in the day, I was listening to one of Joyce Meyer’s sermon when she mentioned the same issue. I knew immediately that it was meant for me and I apologized and that cleared the air. I had peace in my heart. Sometimes it’s not about being right or wrong, it’s about being at peace with men as much as possible.

Lately, I have had different encounters when it was logical to be quiet and receive dishonest gains, but each time I had to remind myself that it is not in alignment with the character development that I am trusting God for.
Finally, it’s important to fix our thoughts, because they often metamorphose into actions and can shape our character. In this season, allow God to mold and develop your character, so that your light can shine and you can be ready when He returns.



Day One – It’s the season of giving. God gave a perfect example by giving His Son first.
Day Two – Emmanuel – The Lord is with us. We are not alone!

Day 3 – He’s our wonderful counsellor and He will instruct and lead us.
Day 4 – He is MIGHTY and his deeds are mighty as well.
Day 5- The everlasting Father who loves us unconditionally!.
Day 6 – The Prince of Peace. His peace is the antidote to all forms of fear.
Day 7 – The right time for miracles and all forms of blessing is here because He came at the “right time”.
Day 8 – He was born so that we have victory over fear. Do not be afraid!

Day 9 – Jesus was born so that we can be saved. He is mighty to save!.
Day 10 – Jesus is the light. He was born to illuminate the world.
Day 11 – His birth was good news to the world.
Day 12 – Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth. The King is here!