Fight On: Don’t Give Up!

When I fight, I fight on my knees with my hands lifted high; Oh Lord, the battle belongs to you – Phil Wickham.

Recently, I’ve been encountering a lot of people, and most times, I often can’t recall their faces. Yet, a common thread among most of them is their vulnerable state. But one encounter stands out vividly. I met a woman engaged in a spiritual battle for her husband’s life. When I first saw her, it was hard to pinpoint her religious affiliation. She had a rosary, laminated passages in Arabic (presumably prayers), and pictures of religious leaders surrounding her husband as she softly uttered words over him. Instantly, these words resonated within me: “This is someone fighting.”

To be honest, at that point in my life, I was dealing with a situation, and I felt like giving up. Seeing her resolve sparked something within me. I knew God was urging me not to give up, but to keep on fighting.


  • I don’t know what you feel like giving up on—maybe it’s your career, a wayward child, a strained relationship, or perhaps you’re fighting for someone who doesn’t seem to want to fight. But whatever it is, don’t give up. Fight with everything you’ve got. Equip yourself with God’s armor to fight. Eph. 6:11
  • In Mark 5:25-34, the story of the woman who suffered from constant bleeding for twelve years resonates with someone who tirelessly sought a solution for years. Her relentless pursuit of healing brought her to the Healer, as she pressed through the crowd and received her miracle. Her faith coupled with actions produced results.
  • If you don’t fight, you may never get to experience the victory that lies ahead.
  • Instead of giving up, resend that email. Make that call once more. Discuss that relationship again. Put in the effort anew. But before you do so, anchor yourself in prayers. Blend your faith with actions.

Today, I urge you: FIGHT, DON’T GIVE UP!