Just the same today, just the same today
As when He led His people through the sea
His trustful child I’ll be; for in His word I see
The God who doeth wonders is just the same today-CAC Hymnal 824

Change is the constant thing in life. People and situations change. Leaders and government change. Also, viruses mutate and evolve producing new variants. Amidst all these changes lies the confidence that our God does not change. I am the Lord and I do not change – Malachi 3:6. The character of God does not change like shifting shadows. He is forever faithful, powerful, and loving. If God has granted you success before, He is able to make you succeed again. Likewise, if He has won a battle for you or delivered you in the past, He is able to do it again. Remember also that the Lord who did the miraculous wonders you read in the Bible is the same today and He is able to do much more that you can ever possibly imagine.

Our Father does not change.

I don’t know what is troubling your heart or that situation that seems insurmountable, but I know a God that has a history of turning impossibilities around. So, I invite you today to take account of God’s faithfulness in the past over your life. Take a hard look at God’s resume. Now, meditate on those times and let your worship and appreciation rise to God. Then let your confidence rise knowing that the same God will make all things beautiful in the right time again.

Go with the assurance of “That same God”

When David was preparing to fight with Goliath, he had an unshakable confidence in God and that was all he needed. Although David had never fought in any war, neither was he skilled in the use of weapon nor armor like Goliath; all he had was the assurance that the God who delivered him in the past is able to show up again. He stated :“the Lord who rescued me from the claws of lion and the bear will rescue me from this Philistine” – 1Samuel 17:37. He went into that battle and won because of this assurance.

Also, to fight with Goliath was something new for David, like trying to take a new territory but David was not intimidated by that. Just like David, no matter how fierce the battle, hold on to the fact that He is the same God. Wait for Him and He will come through for you again.

There’s no reason to doubt; God will do it again for He’s the same!

Finally friends, I am calling you today to come to a place of rest. Rest in His word, His promises, and in His unchanging character and let your faith be stirred up. GOD IS ABLE!