No one wants a better yesterday; we look forward to a greater tomorrow and a better version of ourselves. The only key to this is progress – not being who or where you used to be! Progress is not only important in the secular world; it is a vital component of our walk with God especially in our character. One of the utmost questions in our hearts should be how are we maturing in Christ? Progress is intentional; it is not a fantasy, it requires work and you have to pour yourself into it. It starts with a strong desire to be better and the desire fuels the actions needed to bring it to actualization.
Several months ago, I placed a sign on my front door as a reminder of who I am – an ambassador of Christ as I exit the door to start my day. At first, I looked at it daily and encouraged others to do so as well. As time went by, I forgot that the sign was there, but the consciousness was still there.  I often ponder on my activities at the end of the day. Sometimes I find myself falling short of that promise to be a representative of Christ and other times I feel like I’ve been true to that promise. I’ve learnt not to be too hard on myself because I am a work in progress.

The moment you accept Christ, God begins to work in you to develop your character therefore you are not a finished product yet. You are a work in progress .That’s why Jesus encouraged us to abide in Him so that our lives can bear fruits – Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5NLT. So, He brings various situations your way to help you build that character: situations that will build your patience, challenge your tolerance and love for others, test your endurance and so on. When the various situations come our way, we have the desire to act or come out of it better but once we fall short we sometimes give up and stop trying and that’s where the enemy wants us to be. Philippians 2:13(NLT) says God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. The desire and the power go hand in hand. Once you have the desire, the power is readily available so tap into it. The growth will not be instantaneous because we are work in progress but continuous effort is required. I had a very challenging week trying to be a representative of Christ as I prepared this article. I encountered situations where I just wanted to speak my mind and let it all loose, but I knew it will affect my testimony as a Christian. I was deeply hurt but I prayed for God’s help, forgave and moved on. A friend told me, “Ask yourself, what is God teaching you at this moment”? Honestly, I didn’t feel like being taught at those moments, but a silent prayer of surrender helped me through.
Our struggles are different and personal. Maybe you are used to stretching the truth, envy, unhealthy comparison, impatient, full of harsh words, putting your two cents in every conversation which draws you to gossip, bitterness, unforgiving, the list is endless. But whatever it is, God is willing and able to walk you through it. You can also share in the comment section on how your journey to maturity has been. Let’s learn together. I’m looking forward to it.

Friends, we are all at different levels regarding spiritual maturity but one constant factor that must be present in all the levels is growth. Keep growing. We have been called to live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people (Philippians 2:15b). We are also called to be representative of the Lord Jesus in whatever we do or say (Colossians 3:17).
Let’s start to pray Colossians 1:10 over our lives: That the way you live will always honor and please the Lord and your life will produce every kind of good fruit.
Continue to be a work-in-progress. Never stop progressing.


12 Replies to “WORK IN PROGRESS”

  1. Thanks for the right words in season. Continue to enjoy His goodness and blessings as we grow together to progress and our joy shall be full.
    May God increase you much the more. Shalom.

    1. Amen in Jesus name. Thanks for the wonderful support.

  2. Wonderful piece! Growth and progress is intentional, the focus is getting to maturity in Christ. Thanks for sharing.

  3. This is a great and encouraging message !
    One of my favorite scriptures is Phil 2:13..The Lord gives us the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. Stella, thanks for sharing with us and keep upthe great work.

  4. Thank you for the teaching and edification.
    Very reviving and powerful

  5. Thank you for this. Its timelt at such a tome when the enemy is pushing many to give up on themselves.

    The Lord will never give up on us. no matter the number of times the righteous falls, he shall not be utterly cast down, because the Lord holds him up. Psa.37:23-24, Pro.24:16

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